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书法长卷 经典诗词 英译解读(第二册)-4
作者:进生  发布日期:2017-05-31 20:09:47  浏览次数:2347


宋 范仲淹(989—1052)







1、苏幕遮:原唐教坊曲名,来自西域,后用作词牌名。又名“云雾敛”“鬓云松令”。 双调,六十二字,上下片各五句。《苏幕遮·怀旧》这首词作于宋仁宗康定元年(1040年)至庆历三年(1043年)间,当时范仲淹正在西北边塞的军中任陕西四路宣抚使,主持防御西夏的军事,采取“屯田久守”方针,巩固西北边防,守边多年,西夏称他“胸中自有数万甲兵”。

 2、“芳草”二句:自《楚辞·招隐士》“王孙游兮不归,春草生兮萋萋”以后,在诗词中, “芳草”常暗指故乡,因此,这两句有感叹故乡遥远之意。

3、黯乡魂:语出江淹 《别赋》:“黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣。"因思念家乡而黯然伤神。黯,形容心情忧郁。乡魂,即思乡的情思。






Song: Fan Zhong-yan(989—1052)


Tune: Cloud-Mist Restraining


Azure sky spreading clouds tinted the bright yellowish

Of fallen leaves beneath in the wild field,

This mist- greenish it is that goes hanging in autumn hues

Cold on waves that must rush to the sky edged,

These hills that the slanting sunlight touches,

The rich grass beyond the sun setting waves 

More with madness that fills a home-sick heart

And winds along the way-home like waves.

I never fall to sleep without sweet dream night after night,

And should not lean alone on rails of the fortress,

While the moon shining: the wine passes my unrest

Of bowels turning to nostalgic tears.


Interpretation section注释条款

1、azure sky spreading clouds: 碧云天。

2、the bright yellowish of fallen leaves in wild field: 黄叶地。

3、tint: n. 色彩,色泽;痕迹 vt. 染色;着色于…。

4、autumn hue :秋色。

5、cold mist-greenish:寒烟翠。

6、this mist-greenish it is that goes hanging in autumn hue cold

on waves that must rush to the sky edged: 天接水,波上寒烟翠。

7、slant: vt& vi. (使)倾斜,歪斜 vt. 有倾向性地… n. 倾斜;斜线; adj. 倾斜的;the slanting sunlight:斜射的阳光。。

8、these hills that the slanting sunlight touches : 山映斜阳(独立主词结构)。

9、the rich grass : 芳草萋萋。

10、more : adv. 更,更多;达到或处于更大的范围或程度;更加 adj. 更多的;(many)的比较级;附加的,n. 更多;附加,添加 。

11、wave : vi, 摇摆,起伏。

12、The rich grass beyond the sun setting waves more with madness that fills a home-sick heart, winding along the way-home like air like waves:芳草萋萋更在斜阳外,无情黯乡魂,追旅思如水如寒烟。

13、night after night : 一夜又一夜。

14、I never fall to sleep without sweet dream night after night:“夜夜除非,好梦留人睡” 九字为一句:除非夜夜好梦,否则人不入睡。译文采用双重否定的语气更强烈的肯定句: never…without, 意谓“只要……就……”。每有好梦才入睡。

15、rail: n. 围栏;轨道;扶手;[动]秧鸡 vi. 责备;抱。

16、fortress: . 堡垒,要塞 vt. 设置要塞;用要塞防守。

17、unrest : n. 动荡,不安定;骚乱;风潮;乱腾, 死不瞑目。

18、bowel:  n. 肠;内部;同情心,怜悯心 。

19、nostalgic :adj. 怀旧的;乡愁的;令人怀念的; nostalgic tears :相思泪。

20、the wine passes my unrest Of bowels turning to nostalgic tears:酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。Passes my unrest of bowels turning to nostalgic tears 中两个动词所表示的动作合成一个;类似的句子: This mist- greenish it is that goes hanging in autumn hues .




一、   诗词里的大写字母



例1: I remember, I remember

      The house where I was born,

The little window where the sun

Came peeping in at morning;


I REMEMBER, I REMEMBER by Thomas Hood(托马斯 胡(1799-1859)


如: May-pole(五月柱),the Garden of Eden(伊甸园)



分号(The Semi-Colon)



Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words.选自《ABOUT READING BOOKS》(WOOLF VIRGINIA)维吉利尼亚 伍尔夫

(2)与一些连接功能强过and 的连词结合使用,例如与therefore, however, nevertheless, besides, also, otherwise 连用。例:

The popular notion certainly adds a condition of ease and fortune; but that is a natural result of personal force and love, that they should possess and dispense the goods of the world.


冒号(The Colon)

冒号用来把两个句子分开,后一个句子用来进一步解释前面的句子。类似于在暗示“that is to say”(“也就是说”)的意思。

1、A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face: a beautiful behavior is better than form: it gives a higher pleasure than statues or pictures; it is the finest of the fine arts.

2、Here lies Sir Jenkin Grout, who loved his friend, and persuaded his enemy: what his mouth ate, his hand paid for: what his servants robbed, he restored: if a woman gave him pleasure, he supported her in pain: he never forgot his children: and whoso touched his finger, drew after it his whole body.


破折号(The Dash)


例1、And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, —my darling, —my life and my bride, in her sepulcher there by the sea —in her tomb by the side of the sea. 选自ANNABEL LEE

POE, EDGAR ALLAN (1809-1943)埃德加 爱伦 坡)



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