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【英译墨宝(三十)】新西兰 梁治健
作者:进生  发布日期:2016-03-16 19:52:09  浏览次数:2253

jin.jpg 清  敦 敏 










2、曹雪芹,清代著名文学家、《红楼梦》的作者,虽然他晚年为了《红楼梦》一书,古刹寻诗,集市卖画,日子过得清贫,但他好朋友很多,相关史料中记载的就有20多人中,均非等闲之辈,其中为曹雪芹留下诗文最多的,是敦诚、敦敏和张宜泉这三个人,鼓励曹雪芹“劝君莫弹食客铗,劝君莫叩富儿门。残杯冷炙有德色,不如著书黄叶村。”【敦敏:寄怀曹雪芹】;“傲骨如君世已奇,嶙峋更见此支离。醉余奋扫如椽笔,写出胸中块垒时。”【题芹圃画石】;“知君诗胆昔如铁,堪与刀颖交寒光。我有古剑尚在匣,一条秋水苍波凉。君才抑塞倘欲拔,不妨斫地歌王郎。”【敦 诚: 佩刀质酒歌】 “爱将笔墨逞风流。庐结西郊别样幽。门外山川供绘画,堂前花鸟入吟呕。羹调未羡青莲宠,苑召难忘立本羞。借问古来谁得似,野心应被白云留。”【张宜泉:题芹溪居士】。诗中认知视野,苍凉而坚定,胜过威廉·莎士比亚的诗句:“…I scorn to change my state with kings”(不屑与帝王换江山)。


Ch'ing: Tun-Min


To T’sao Hsueh-Ch’in


The path stretches far winding along a rill towards green hills

The cottage colored by ivy leaves beneath rainbow clouds

The soul gone for poetic verve is used to staying in temple cells,

And the money costing wine paid by selling his paintings

The high-crooning stroll-spirit over parting- yet- encounters

In northern fair, and, the broken-dreamed one of Qin-Huai reminds

Richly go by. Take no count of that, hate then or sorrow now

With well-done-drunk eyes side-glancing at the world-show.

 《interpretation section》注释条款


1、winding path: 曲径;

2、rill : n. 小河,小溪。

3、cottage : n. 乡下小房子。曹雪芹在碧水青山、曲径萝门的黄叶村增删修改《红楼梦》,该地点现为:北京黄叶村曹雪芹纪念馆.

4、ivy leaves :藤萝叶。

5、poetic verve :诗的神韵。

6:be used to …ing : 一贯如此的。。。

7、painting : 画作。

8、high-crooning stroll-spirit: 飘逸吟唱形神旷达。

9、parting –yet- encounter: 遇合。

10、croon: vt. VI. 低声歌唱;柔情地轻哼﹑轻唱或低声述说;深情地唱。

11、high-crooning stroll-spirit in northern fair over parting- yet- encounter:燕市狂歌悲遇合。

12、the broken-dreamed of Qin-Huai:秦淮残梦

13、go by : 时光流逝。

14、take no count of : 不在意, 轻视, 不重视。本句为原形动词“take”引导出的祈使句型,主语you(指曹雪芹)省略了。

15、 hate then or sorrow now: 旧恨或新愁。在第七行诗中,这个短语是of 介词的宾语. 是前置的连词“that”的同位语,出于韵的考虑,that 位置提前,可还原为:Take no count of hate then or sorrow now that with well-done-drunk eyes side-glancing at the world-show. 也可以是:

Take no count of hate then or sorrow now;

That which passes is well-done-drunk eyes side-glancing at the world show.(但这里的that 是指示代词,代表前面句子的整个意思)


17、side-glance : 斜眼,白眼, 斜视。

18、 well-done-drunk eyes side-glancing at the world-show. 酕醄醉眼斜


诚挚感谢新西兰书法家协会傅金枝老师,也诚挚感谢新西兰梁治健先生慷慨提供的墨宝,赏心悦目地使得双语【清  敦 敏: 赠曹雪芹 】诗同“中国书法作品”一朝结缘。



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