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Lillian Don‎ (台湾) 宋 周邦彥 大酺•越調春雨
作者:进生  发布日期:2018-11-10 17:49:41  浏览次数:1818


(墨宝影印件)--Lillian Don‎ (台湾)

宋 周邦彥


對宿煙收 春禽靜 飛雨時鳴高屋 牆頭青玉旆 洗鉛霜都盡 嫩梢相觸 潤逼琴絲 寒侵枕障 蟲網吹黏簾竹 郵亭無人處 聽檐聲不斷 困眠初熟 奈愁極頓驚 夢輕難記 自憐幽獨
行人歸意速 最先念 流潦妨車轂 怎奈向 蘭成憔悴 衛玠清羸 等閒時 易傷心目 未怪平陽客 雙淚落 笛中哀曲 況蕭索 青蕪國 紅糝鋪地 門外荊桃如菽 夜遊共誰秉燭

注釋: 周邦彥(1056年-1121年),中國北宋末期著名的詞人,字美成,號清真居士,漢族,錢塘(今浙江杭州)人。歷官太學正、廬州教授、知溧水縣等。徽宗時爲徽猷閣待制,提舉大晟府。精通音律,曾創作不少新詞調。作品多寫閨情、羈旅,也有詠物之作。格律謹嚴。語言典麗精雅。長調尤善鋪敘。爲後來格律派詞人所宗。舊時詞論稱他爲“詞家之冠”。有《清真集》傳世。     >


史评其写作风格“绮艳”,杜甫又称其“清新”、“老成”。 杜甫《戏为六绝句》六首之一:“庾信文章老更成,凌云健笔意纵横。”成语“凌云健笔”一词由此而来。《咏怀古迹》第一:“庾信平生最萧瑟,暮年诗赋动江关。”




永嘉六年(312年),衛玠去世,時年二十七歲,葬於南昌,後迁葬江寜  。


昨夜的霧已散盡 四處不聞鳥声 只有飛落的雨滴击打著屋頂 墻角處蔥翠的竹子 皮上的籜粉都已被风雨沖刷乾淨 嫩竹梢交叉磕碰 濕氣使琴弦都已變潮 蜘蛛網吹粘在簾上 寒意直透衾枕 客舍四周寂靜無人 屋檐的水溜滴個不停 单调得使人睡意朦朧 又怎奈愁悶至極常驚醒 恍惚的夢境難以追憶 更增添幽居的孤獨。

遠行之人 歸心似箭 最擔心泥濘的路上積滿雨水 車轂難行 。 無奈裏,面对古人,拥抱他们: 庾信因思鄉而憔悴, 衛玠因憂愁清瘦羸弱。 旅途滯留 因頓愁摧損心目, 難怪當年客居平陽的馬融, 耳闻笛聲便雙淚直流。 更何況原本繁花盛開的庭園 風雨摧殘後一派蕭索 惟雜草叢生 到处是凋落的紅色花瓣。 門外的櫻桃已大如豆粒 在這秋風苦雨後的夜晚 有誰和我秉燭共遊?


Sung: Chou Pang -yen

The great drink feast: Spring Rain in Yue tune


The fog last night was appearing and has faded,

The spring-birds all around like solitude in a muse unsounded,

Only let the rain-drops spattering knock on high roofs

Around the wall-corners set in its coat of emerald the bamboos.

The rime on its skins eroded and of which those top-twigs

In silent rhythm in wind moving. The harp strings

Also distorted by damps. A moving coldness

Even touches my pillow my sheets.

The airy cobwebs glue on the bamboo-curtain

And no others in this very mail-inn;

Only hearing the water-drops in succession

From gutters that makes me sleepy but never sleep long sleep

Within a faded dream in mist, sinking more lonely self

All passersby want to go homewards

But thought to think of those muddy roads with watery holes

On it delay the wheels hastened.

(Turn the old, return to them :)

Resurfaced his weather face of Yu-Xing and

The thin-figure of Wei-Jie being blocked homewards

With no sense in hanging around, brooded.

So heartily echo the dew-lit eyes of Ma-Rong desolate

While hearing the sorrow tone of a flute in air,moreover

In a flowery-garden withered, only weeds rich, left

On land the fade petals red-dotted.

Even outside the fruits of shrub-cherry

Big as the kind of attractive beans,who would tonight

Be a companion holding a candle of my way?

 04、11、2018 譯於悉尼,并刊出在face book.


1、the fog last night was appearing and has faded:對宿煙收

2、in a muse:默想。

3、 unsounded:没发音。。

4、 spattering knock on the high roofs:飛雨時鳴高屋

5、 in its coat of emerald the bamboos 翠绿的竹子。

6、 rime:(詩)白霜。

7、 erode:wore away by rain or wind . 消蚀,逐渐毁坏;削弱。,

8、竹林梢: top-twigs

9、the harp strings (are) distorted by damps :潤逼琴絲。

10、Even touches my pillow my sheets a moving coldness:寒侵枕障

11、airy cobwebs glue on the bamboo-curtain:蟲網吹黏簾竹。

12、 very mail-inn:小郵亭

13、 hearing the water-drops in succession from gutters:聽檐聲不斷。

14、 a faded dream in mist sinking more self lonely: 夢輕難記 自憐幽獨。
15、thought to think of…: 倏忽兜上心头之意,最先念;thought to think of those muddy roads with watery holes on it delay the wheels hastened:最先念 流潦妨車轂。

16、resurfaced his weather face of Yu-Xing and the thin-figure of Wei-Jie being make blocked homewards:怎奈向 蘭成憔悴 衛玠清羸;resurfaced: 浮想。

17、the sorrow tone of a flute in air:笛中哀曲。

18、dew-lit eyes: 〔诗〕挂着泪珠的双眼。

19、moreover in a flowery-garden withered:況蕭索

20、only weeds rich:青蕪國

21、 fade petals red-dotted on land:紅糝鋪地

22、Even outside the fruits of shrub-cherry big as the kind of  attractive beans :門外荊桃如菽。

23、Who would tonight be a companion of my way holding a candle ? 夜遊共誰秉燭。


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