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《顾毅书法· 中国诗词· 英译文本》前言·
作者:进生  发布日期:2016-12-06 20:06:59  浏览次数:2528



Ancient Chinese classic poems are not only as exquisite works of art also as the deepest soul-flowing from our ancient culture through several thousand years and would continue to do so, which had been created by those great ancient Chinese poets,related with books as Book of Poetry and Elegies of The south, and Tang poetry and Song lyrics, also those poems and songs through Yuan、Ming、Qing Dynasty; from which when whatever happened to the Nation and made human life of our ancestor up and down in sorrow or in joy, beautiful or terrible, the souls of them never let their tongue cleave to the roof of their mouth , still kept going forward as the mystic chords of historical memory, stretching from the rhymes of poetry to our living heart to help us right to the past, right to the present and right to the future.

I feel that when reading these works, not for glory and least of all for profit, is like tasting a kind of dialogue with those “living souls of Chinese history” who had created out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before, and like trying to share those thoughts of them in the agony and sweat , grief of personal life on our national bones even so weak but that of his puny inexhaustible voice still talking, and approaching our world , and let today hear them in air.

And I read that the hearts of those ancient poets had never stopped carrying with the burden of caring their nation, never given that burden up, they might be its slave, but they would not be its henchman when social disaster happened people’s life could be so deeply affected that more generations of a family suffered. It was like a green leaf torn off from a huge tree. It floated end over end, taking forever to fall.

I see that when enjoy those works of art dealing with the long history of china there were those figures who might be a big man rising up towards gripping on great power or be a king who lost his crown already, lonely pacing upon a dim castle beneath cold autumn moon, or an officer being unfairly treated or luckily got out languishing in lethargy back to the way he want; or left lonely with bleak and desolater landscape , ruined bridge of sighs, or tales of a banisher, or a legend of Red cliff…, those are not twice-told tales but still very much fresh in our world. Yet there were something very nice, enjoying nature, something about autumn moonlit and spring flowers and tranquil lakes with nostalgic moon in water and flowing mists hanging on braches of autumn sparse trees; all for the love of life; such as the gatherings of literati, composing poetry and drinking wine, visiting friends or seeing them off, horses’ hooves setting off at a gallop…all that help us understand how our ancestors lived among olden ages. that I would like to say has been forming a kind of the feelings of the “two banks of a river”: one bank is of our history opposite the other one as a real world now we are living in, between them A long flowing river in the thousands years as our spirit-culture of life: love and honor and pity and compassion and pride and sacrifice, the old verities and truths of the hearts

 Also When appreciating and studying our Chinese calligraphers Who, besides technical methods and artistic creation in a style of the lines of calligraphy,  not only copy-write a poem ,but also have the expressionism with their suggestive artistry that embodies some philosophical theories of life through brushwork, demonstrating his consummate skills. That captivates the viewer, giving them a taste of calligraphy-poem, expressing emotion, cultivating mind, and developing character far beyond the glands and yet contributing to the purity of heart with scars. Of cause the lines of calligraphy also reveal the personality, inspiration of the calligrapher, with the value of beauty as the calligraphy of “A Flower-Selling Soochow Girl” (which is only one exception as a modern poem among them) has depicted all the feeling with assured brushworks, so sweet purity, not only the airy strokes of the characters of the poem, but also with echoes of wonderful cursive script which really moves viewers.

In this form the [58 cursive scripts, 58 Chinese poems and 58 English translations] is published and are presented by Chinese calligrapher MR Milton Gu and I as an experiment, whether the subjects might not be so managed in the texts of Chinese calligraphy and the corresponding English translations as to produce the pleasurable interest which is the peculiar business of Chinese calligraphy and English translation of Ancient Chinese classic poems to impart.

  Hopefully this bilingual text is just a beginning of helping wider audience who would have very new conduits to access the finer nuances of the innermost thoughts and inner secret of Ancient Chinese classic poems and Chinese calligraphy.

  I also sincerely invite precious suggestions from our readers, welcome any criticism.

Feel free to reach out to me on this email:   jinshengaus@gmail.

目录 Table of Contents



黃州寒食詩帖(宋 苏轼)15

The poem-note of the cold-food observances in Huang-chou :( Song Su Shi)            


Tune: The watery-melody prelude:

How long would a full moon appear? (Song: Su Shi)

念奴娇·赤壁怀古(宋 苏轼)31

The charm of a maiden singer:

Cherishing the olden days of Red-Cliff (Song: Su Shi)

  钗头凤 (宋 陸游)39

Tune: Phoenix hairpin:

The crisp reddish hand-shaped (Song: lu You)

钗头凤 世情薄(宋 唐婉)44

Tune: Phoenix hairpin:

Things wearing thin of the world-today (Song: Tang Wan )

沁园春 将止酒,戒酒杯使勿近(南宋 辛弃疾)48

Garden-oozing spring:

Stop the wine-obsessed with a cup-a-leg-in-sight (Song: Xing Qi-ji )

约 客(南宋 赵师秀)54

Waiting a visitor invited (Nan Song: Zhao Shi-xiou)

画鹰(唐 杜甫)55

A hawk in painting (Tang: Du-Fu)

绝句 (唐 杜甫)63

Heart-strings (Tang: Du-Fu)

苏小小墓( 唐 李贺)67

Little-little Soo’s graveyard ((Tang: Li-He)

蜀道难(唐 李白)71

The near-death-climbing Way to Shu (Tang: Li-Bai)

 早发白帝城(唐 李白)80

With a morning-adieu to Bai-Di City (Tang: Li-Bai)

獨坐敬亭山(唐 李白)84

Sitting pretty-alone with Mount Jing-Ting (Tang: Li-Bai)

将进酒·君不见黄河之水天上来(唐 李白)88

Come on drinking wine with me! (Tang: Li-Bai)

望天門山(唐 李白)93

On waves watching Mount Heaven-Gate (Tang: Li-Bai)

黄鹤楼闻笛(唐 李白)96

Hearing a song-jade-flute on Yellow-Crane Pavilion (Tang: Li-Bai)

送友人(唐 李白)101

Farwell to friend(Tang: Li-Bai)

赠汪伦(唐 李白)107

A poem to Wang Lun(Tang: Li-Bai)

春园(唐王勃) 110

A spring garden (Tang: Wang Bo)

秋词二首(之一)(唐 劉禹錫)114

Autumn Statement (first one) (Tang: Liu Yu-xi)

秋词二首(之二)(唐 劉禹錫)119

Autumn Statement (second ) (Tang: Liu Yu-xi)

浪淘沙· 淘金(唐 劉禹錫)124

Waves shifting sand  (Tang: Liu Yu-xi)

竹枝词二首(之一)(唐 劉禹錫)128

Bamboo branch songs(Tang: Liu Yu-xi)

偶书 (唐 劉叉)131

A poem by chance (Tang: Liu Cha)

送灵澈上人(唐 劉长卿)135

Seeing off a wandering monk Ling-Che (Tang: Liu Chang-Qing)

与诸子登岘山(唐 孟浩然)139

Climbing to the top of Xian-Shan with fellows (Tang: Meng Hao-Ran)

焚书坑(唐 章碣 )143

The burning-books hollow (Tang: Zhang Jie)

插秧歌(唐 布袋和尚 )148

The song of rice seedling (Tang: the monk with his fabric bag)

再经胡县城(唐 杜荀鹤 )152

Return to Hu-Cheng town (Tang:Du Xunhe )

别董大(唐 高适 )156

Farwell to my lutanist (Tang: Gao Shi )


The Rats in official-granary (Tang: Cao Ye )

诗经·魏风·硕鼠(魏国 民歌)164

The book of poetry, the style of Wei and the fat-rats (Wei: folk song)

题君山(唐 雍陶 )169

Enjoying the mountain-Jun (Tang: Yong Tao)

韦处士郊居(唐 雍陶 )172

Visit the suburban cottage of Wei recluse ((Tang: Yong Tao)

乌夜啼(南唐 李煜) 176

A crow crying at night ( Nan Tang : Li Yu)

江天暮雪 (元 陈孚)183

A snowy-dusk on the river ( Yuan: Chen Fu)

落花  (元 郝经)186

Fallen flowers (Yuan: Hao Jing)

天凈沙ž秋思 (元 馬致遠)195

Heavenly washed sand:

Autumn longing  (Yuan: Ma Zhi-yuan)

登泰山(元 张养浩)199

On Mount-Tai (Yuan: Zhang Yang-hao)

西湖竹枝歌  (元 杨维祯)204

Bamboo-branch songs of West Lake ((Yuan: Yang Wei-zhen)

 客中夜坐(明 袁凯)209

A man sitting abroad at night (Ming: Yuan Kai)

田舍夜舂 (明 高启)214

Husking rice nightly in a thatched cottage (Ming: Gao Qi )

偶见 (明 徐祯卿)218

A glance-view  (Ming: Xu Zhenqing)

又寄升庵(明 黄峨)223

Once more to my husband (Ming: Huang E)

登泰山(明 杨继盛)227

Climb Mount Tai (Ming: Yang JI sheng)

石灰吟(明 于谦)233

Murmuring soul of limes  (Ming: Yu Qian)

对联(明 洪应明)238

Couplet (Ming: Hong Ying ming)

北固山 (清 孔尚任)242

Viewing the grand river on northern Mountain (Ming: Kong Shang ren)

沁園春 恨(清 郑板桥)245

Spring in a pleasure garden : Hate (Qing: Zheng Ban qiao)

村居(清 高鼎)252

The scene of a village (Qing: Gao Ding)

林黛玉肖像赋(曹雪芹 红楼梦)256

(Qing:Cao Xue qin:The dream of the Red Chamber)

A poem of the portrait of Lin Dai yu

枉凝眉( 曹雪芹 红楼梦)261

(Qing:Cao Xue qin:The dream of the Red Chamber)

Brows knit in vain

贾宝玉:唱曲 (曹雪芹 红楼梦)265

(Qing:Cao Xue qin:The dream of the Red Chamber)

Sung a song

江山竹枝词(清 姚鼎)271

Bamboo branch songs of river and mountain (Qing: Yao Ding)

元夕于通衢建灯夜升南楼(隋 杨广)274

Standing on South-pavilion watching the Lantern festival YuanXiao  along the thoroughfare, the front of the palace-gates(Sui : Yang Guang)

凤归云 闺怨  (敦煌曲子)280

The cloud –winging Phoenix:

A lay’s complaint in her boudoir (lyrics from Dun-huang)


Pacing with short song (Dong Han: Cao-Cao)     

苏州卖花女(悉尼 冰夫(俳句)292

Sydney: BingFu (a special form of japaness poetry)

A Flower-Selling Soochow Girl


The Editer’s notes


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