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作者:进生  发布日期:2015-11-11 18:41:11  浏览次数:2880

         Contents 目录      


        The poems translated from Chinese

         金陵栖霞山红叶  (悉尼 冰夫)    p25

        Red leaves of Ch’i-Hsia-shan chin- ling 

        苏州卖花女 (悉尼 冰夫)   p27

        A Flower-selling Soochow Girl

        江南套曲之一:臆遊烏衣巷(悉尼 安红)   p29

        Dreamily landing at Wu-Yi alley

         First ofChiang-Nan ditties: Yi-you Wu-yi hisang

        江南套曲之二:醉宴晚晴樓(悉尼 安红)    p31

        Drunken-party on a dusk- dawn water pavilion

        Second of Chiang-Nan ditties: Ch’ui-yan hwan-ch’ing Lou

        祖传的山道 (悉尼 方浪舟)    p33

        The elect of three generations’ trail

        少年的月光 (新西兰:艾斯)   p35

        A boy’s moon

        一剪梅·甲午 (中国: 文美)    p37

        Yi- Ch’ien MeiCh’ia-Wu

        十六字令·哀 (中国: 文美)    p41


        哀 (悉尼:进生)   p42


        雨中一片瓦(悉尼:进生)  p44

          A memory of rain-spat tiles

        墓碑前 (悉尼:进生)   p47

         Front a grave stone

         守夜(西班牙何塞·希门尼斯·洛萨诺)   p51

         Be with night   (José Jiménez Lozano)

        谁让她试的?--给弱者的歌 (悉尼 朱文正)  p54

         Who lets her try?--A song for “you and me”

        對話與詩(悉尼 朱文正)  p56

        The dialog and the poem

        骰子滾動了(悉尼 朱文正) p59

        The dice is cast

        群蛙的季节(悉尼 朱文正) p62

        Much-needed frogs

        天安门女儿的歌(悉尼 朱文正) p65

        The song of Tian-An-Meng Daughter

        你怎么舍得我难过  (中国:黄品源词曲)  p72

        How thought you that in silence I grieve

        我想...  (中国好声音:帕尔哈提) p75

        I wish…

        故乡 (中国:许巍词曲)  p78

                        My hometown

        对话  (中国台湾:尹能静)  p82


         乖乖,把门守好 (中国台湾:尹能静)  p84

        Honey, keep our door safe

        致海子(中国 罗玉凤)  p86

        To Hai-zi: The sea-boy of China

         乌夜啼 (南唐:李煜)  p88

         A crow crying at night

        蜀道难 (唐 李白;书法:中国 顾毅)  p91

        The near-death-climbing Way to Shu

        秋词 (唐 刘禹锡;书法:中国 南京 桑作楷)  p96

        Autumn statement  

        凉州词·黄河远上白云间  p98

        (唐 王之涣;书法:中国 赵维军)

        Liang-chow Qu (To Yu-Men there was no spring wind in dreams)

        寻隐者不遇  (唐 贾岛;书法:中国 赵维军)  100

        Couldn’t meet with the recluse

        元夕于通衢建灯夜升南楼  102

        (隋 隋炀帝;书法:中国 扬州 刘南平)

        Standing on South-pavilion , see the Lantern festival-Yuan Xiao(15th Day of the First Month of the year)alone the thoroughfare before the palace-gate

        水調歌頭·明月幾時有  (宋 蘇軾;书法:中国厦门苗宗德), p105

        Tune: The Watery-melody PreludeHow long would the full moon appear?

        临江仙 (明 杨慎; 书法:中国厦门 苗宗德)   p110

        Tune: Riverside Daffodils

         黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵(唐 李白;中国 苗宗德)  p112

        Farewell to Meng hao-Ruan at Yellow-Crane Pavilion

        Who goes to Kwang -Ling

         清平乐 晚霞 (词:西贝; 摄影:颜廷壮) p114

        Tune: Pure Serene Music

        山坡羊 猎人谷(摄影:賈海巍 ; 作词:西贝) p116

         《The sheep on slope》Hunter-valleys

        黃州寒食詩帖 ( 宋 苏轼) p118

         The cold-food observance poem-note in Huang-chou

         凤归云闺怨  (敦煌曲子词) p122

        The cloud –winging Phoenix (lyrics from Dun-huang)   

        A lady’s complaint in her boudoir

        林黛玉肖像赋(曹雪芹:红楼梦 ) p125

         A poem of the portrait of Lin-dai-yu

          (Ts’ao-Hsueh-Ch’in: The dream of the Red Chamber)

         枉凝眉 (曹雪芹:红楼梦)  p129      Brows knit in vain (Wang- ning -Mei)

        贾宝玉:唱曲 (曹雪芹:红楼梦)  p131

        Song-as(Chia- bao-yu: ch’ang-qu)

        浪淘沙 (南唐:李煜) p134

        Sand-Sifted by the Waves

        苏小小墓(唐 李贺)  136

         Little- little S’00’s Graveyard

        登幽州台歌(唐  陈子昂 ) p139

        Sing at ji-pei-lou(蓟北楼)-Seeing

        画鹰(唐:杜甫) p140

         Eagle in a drawing

        沁园春将止酒,戒酒杯使勿近(宋辛弃  疾)p142

        Garden-oozing Spring :  Stop the wine-obsessed

        with cup not-a–leg-in-sight

        将进酒·君不见黄河之水天上来(唐:李白) p145

        Come on Wining with me!

        林黛玉肖像赋(悉尼 朱文正)  p148

         A poem of the portrait of Lin Dai-yu


        天问(屈原) p153 

        Asking Heaven (QuYuan)


        The history and the Graveyard,  (Sydney: jinsheng) p159


        《interpretation section》注释条款  p178

        Sentence Pattern趣味解析

        The list of interpretation section p287


        The words he says p291

作者的话  The words he say s

The man who has wrote down these articles, was born in 1948, first day of February according the traditional Chinese calendar(农历),that has become a significant year in China history since then. Which has been meaning that the previous-way people got used to was broken down from their roots , and the new-way of Revolution has been pushed up by new-born authorities , and being stronger day after day in people’s daily life, there was no way out of it ; but for the boy himself there was no idea of what had been happening around him, just passing his times and growing up happily through his childhood and then boyhood with his dear parents and a old sister and a young brother together. When he was able to weigh about the world around his family , he never thought of for a long time asking a question :“why”? But he has found that among the crowds there were always some ones there who much older than him as the unknown-individuals, who looked as calm, quiet, very common persons to outside the world. When he occasionally stared at some of them he somehow knew little bit of them, even tried to look into his &her eyes to read the thoughts of them in it but in vain. Now, these souls have had gone through their second-half life, which was overlapping with his first-half life before, while he has been now in his own second-half, still very often he thinks about them, about the memories of those backs walked–away figures, their alone life which he has had only very little idea about but aware that in those days they have been successfully escorted their inner world and their dignity; but he still being curious to know their stories of life which have gone with them without any traces left. That makes him to be aware, when he sits and thinks and broods, that those words wrote down by himself are still being pale and weak for it should be if comparing with their true life-stories which have been deliberately concealed or buried under huge mess of China’s fake-history, and gone by but remaining as, when he stares at the starry-sky, the fan-like clusters in the universe..



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