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作者:进生  发布日期:2015-09-08 22:27:04  浏览次数:2544

《浪淘沙  竹》(古词新韵) 墨宝:谭文华; 作词:西贝

竹影浸斜阳,玉润莹光。节节清梦寄潇湘。魂系洞箫空怅惋,一往情殇。      身世任秋凉,夜露晨霜。竹林深处掩沧桑。枝叶萧疏归净土,风扫余香。



2、洞箫,又名“参差”,笛的一种,“ 竹制竖笛”。


Artist: Tan Wen-hua; Poet: Xi-Bei Gu

【Sand shifting waves】  Bamboo


The shadows of bamboos, through slanting beams of sunshine,

Of which the slender bodies coruscate the green-jade-like shine

With twin ladies- weeping teary dreams in each section of it,and made

Of a flute blows its throbbing soul-born secret tone

Only silent wind could carry away as its winging- mourned piece.


The lot of autumn bamboos, through dew night and bright frosty dawn,

Of which in the calm-depth the waste of eternity emotion grows

Beneath its forest with leaves falling off, as silver dew-drops unknown

While the scent Left of and that season winds could calmly play as

A requiem of Bamboo’s allure in airs



1、slanting beams of sunshine: 斜阳;

2、the slender bodies:苗条的身躯,指竹子的峻拔。

3、coruscate:闪烁闪烁; 闪耀; 焕发; 闪亮

4、the green-jade-like shine:玉润莹光

5、make of…:用竹子做的。。。此处不用make from…

6、twin ladies- weeping teary dreams in each section of it: 意為:节节清梦寄潇湘。(“瀟湘”典故出自帝舜的瀟湘二妃娥皇、女英。傳說舜未登帝位前,曾多次遇險,終因娥皇、女英相助而脫險。舜即堯位,娥皇女英為其妃。其后舜至南方巡視,死于蒼梧。二妃往尋,因思帝傷痛,淚染湘江畔的青竹,使竹竟成斑點,故后稱為斑竹,又稱“瀟湘竹”或“湘妃”, “斑竹一枝千滴淚”,二妃也死于瀟湘之間。故后世以“瀟湘”指斑竹。--西貝補注)

7、throbbing soul-born secret tone: 形容洞箫的声音:含义为使灵魂悸动怅然的神奇音韵,即“空怅婉”。

8、winging-mourned piece. 一往情殇;

9、The lot of autumn bamboos: 此处的“lot”作“命运、身世”解

10、the waste of eternity emotion: 惘然,枉然;

11、requiem 挽歌;安魂曲。

12、allure: 魅力,诱惑力;

13、a requiem of Bamboo’s allure in airs :指竹子晚秋留下的“余香”。

(Translated by Jinsheng Sydney)



怎么個堅決法?給個建議,國人到日本,起碼不要去蜂擁搶購正宗的日產”避孕套“,該滿足國人的買日本商標的假貨,終究是國產·該放心,沒異議吧?否則,王wang,顧住了上頭嘴實在應該,但下頭其實更重要,那是與無聲處起驚雷,千秋萬代的”軍機處“。這點,倒無需全澳華人團結起來,向國人堅決呼吁吧。實在干去才有更·大·意義。 另外,溫言軟語勸一句,此處是純文學處,下回貼標語,找對門戶。這次兼顧到愛國熱誠,點贊一次。
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