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作者:进生  发布日期:2015-08-06 01:30:20  浏览次数:3148


水調歌頭·明月幾時有-- 蘇軾    



明月幾時有,把酒問青天。不知天上宮闕,今夕是何年。我欲乘風歸去,又恐瓊樓玉宇,高處不勝寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人間。    轉朱閣,低綺戶,照無眠。不應有恨,何事長向別時圓。人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。但愿人长久,



(1)  今夕是何年: 传说:天上三日世间千年;一如得道仙人的“洞中方一日,世上已千年”。  
(2)  乘風歸去:御風回天庭。作者浪漫地認為自己是下凡的神仙。  
(3)   瓊樓玉宇:白玉砌成的樓閣,相傳月亮上有广寒宫供玉兔与嫦娥(婵娟)居住。还有吴广,估计吴广不住广寒宫,凭他砍伐工的血统,该跟桂花酒一起住如当今的廉租屋,旁边就挨着那棵桂花树。此时,正笼罩在浓浓的树荫里。


Sun: Su she

Tune:  The Watery-melody Prelude

How long would the full moon appear


 How long would the full moon swim above

The entrance of the clear sky for that, I holding a cup of wine

Ask the sky, and really want know what yours of year

It would be tonight in crystal-jade palace?

Which as a wind-riding traveler

I might take a return-journey to even I dread

Having to rise and dance with violet

Happy shadows of the lonesome in the crystal-jade palace

Super-high at a cold-night,

Any shadow, as be high on earth entranced


Swimming above the August rooves, any roof, of mansions red     
peering through the elegant window lattice and door-closed

 She shows up the sleeping less man, any man, lonely and isolated

With her still and hushed for wonder,

Who parted towards the world’s four quarters asks at the moment

Why she comes to show up as its old enchantment?

People are in happy-home without or within it
 as the moon blacked or glittering white in full or as a crescent   
since the olden times things are hard as ten out ten
Hoping the man long live and be with a night

Of sharing for the sharing-soul of moon—

(Then, for that the moon was ours of olden,

Let us pour our wine and in it drink the moonlight —)

That shines over the mills apart-impaired.


(Translated by Jinsheng, Sydney, for the calligraphy of Mr. Miao, in China, Xia-men)



1、entrance: n. 入口,进口;进入;进入方法,进入方式;入场权 vt. 使出神,使入迷;使喜悦,使狂喜入口,进口;

2、yours of year: 你的年代

3、 crystal-jade palace:天上宮闕

4 、wind-riding traveler: 喻能驭风的行者

5、Which as a wind-riding traveler I might take a return-journey to…”which”作关系代词,代表前面句子中的“crystal-jade palace”,引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中为介词“to”的宾语,为了靠拢其代表的名词,所以将which 提到从句前头了。


7、dread: 害怕,担忧

8、dance with violet happy shadows of the lonesome…:在月光下起舞,人和影子一起嬉戲; the lonesome 形容词转换成名词,代作者;


10、August rooves: 八月的屋顶,意指中秋月夜的屋顶,

11、any: 用于肯定句,任何一个,任。。。一个;

12、 mansions red : 朱閣:朱紅色的樓閣。Red 作后置限制性定语,出于韵的考虑,red mansions.

13、 peer:vi. 凝视;盯着看;隐退,若隐若现

14、 window lattice:窗栏;棂;窗格子;窗棂;刻有紋飾的門窗

15、the sleeping less man, any man, lonely and isolated: 天下的寂寞孤单无眠人;

16、still and hushed for wonder:此处译为“温柔宁静的好奇”;

17、the world’s four quarters: 四方世界, 寓意“五湖四海”

18、old enchantment:惯常的魅力;有“不合时宜的迷人”之讥讽之意,以对应后面的“不应有恨”的解释。

19、since the olden times things are hard as ten out ten:此事古難全
20、但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟:含有两重“共”的意境;所以译为:Hoping the man long live and be with a night

Of sharing for the sharing-soul of moon—; the soul of moon: 婵娟;



22.、Then, for that the moon was ours of olden, let us pour our wine and in it drink the moonlight —;这两句诗句是从原来的诗句中引申出来的补从意境,应为可以实现的:把酒问青天;千里也能共婵娟,那么,同饮一杯月光酒,便是顺理成章的事了。尤其在21世纪。

23、ours of olden:我们怀念的往昔。分离之前的团圆时光。

Olden: 形容词(深感怀念的)往昔的,过去的.




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