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作者:进生  发布日期:2015-08-06 01:16:31  浏览次数:2392

诗词:西贝(悉尼);摄影:颜廷壮 (美国)


 霞飞云涌, 渐远风相送。锦瑟尽头谁与共?流彩漫天如梦。    寂静暮霭余辉,杉林春去秋回。守望一生一世,天苍树老如归。


Poet: Xi-bei (Sydney);

Photographer: Yan ting-zhuang (America)


Tune: Pure Serene Musi: Sunset-glow

The white clouds in rosy air are shifting away

With the gentle wind, dripping the elaborate -colors.

In unseen ends with them who would meet luckily?

Only could see and imagine sky-high the curled dreams.


Calmly the evening glow holds the china firs

While transforming the spring into autumn and whose souls

Watching and caring each other become a song without words,

Satisfied in silence as the young-sky yet as the old-trees.


 (Translated by jinsheng for the poem and colored- photo)




1、    Sunset glow: evening glow. 晚霞,

2、elaborate –colors:非人间的色彩;

3、unseen- end: 隐形的, 看不见的;

4、In unseen ends with them who would meet luckily? 这是一句倒装句,可以还原为:who would meet with them luckily in unseen ends?

“them” 代替了前面一句中的主语“The white clouds”,这是一种拟人的修辞法。天边等待流云的也以“人称”-who 代替。而发问的是诗人,她的感概是下一句:

Only could see and imagine sky-high the curled dreams. 但隐去了人称代词。

5、sky-high the curled dreams:the dreams of curled clouds sky high: 流彩漫天如梦;

6、china fir:常绿乔木;

7、Watching and caring each other: 现在分词短语作限制性后置定语,修饰前面的主语“whose souls”,

8、a song without words:一首无言的歌;

9、Satisfied in silence as the young-sky yet as the old-trees. 分词短语作伴随状语。

译者附言: 诚挚感谢悉尼文友西贝女士赐予她所在的“南开大学七九数学微信群”中的绮丽诗文与摄影并茂的唱和,允我将这美不胜收的意境纳入【英译墨宝】,在此也一并谢过西贝女士的校友们,并欢迎指正。



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